The Euros are off to a great start and to recognise this (albeit a few days late), we at The Blizzard are sending out a 2-part digital Euros Special Edition to all our subscribers. These 2 specials include ALL our Euros related pieces from issue 0.

To our existing subscribers, part 1 will have been sent through to you already (24/6/24), with part 2 coming last this week.

To non-subscribers, if you subscribe before July 19, we will send you the Euros Special Edition as a lovely reward for doing so.

If you subscribe to The Blizzard and you haven’t received your Euros Special, drop us an email to and we’ll send it through to you.

*The special is only available in PDF form. This PDF will be sent through to the email linked with your subscriber account. Email if you haven’t received yours by the end of the week you subscribe (issues will be sent out on Fridays). Offer is running for those who subscribe before 19th July 2024.’