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The Squall supports freelance writers during the Covid-19 crisis. For it to continue supporting this community we need people to buy the magazine every month. We recommend £3, but if that’s a stretch or, conversely, if you can afford more, then whatever’s possible is very welcome. You can pay directly into The Squall’s bank account (sort code 40-05-17 and account number 71515942) or via PayPal at Thank you to those of you who have already donated. Your contributions have certainly helped!

For now at least, this will be the last issue of The Squall. We hope that The Squall has managed to showcase great football writing on subjects you are unlikely to read about anywhere else, and that you enjoy our final offering, the ‘Fair’ issue.

John Irving queries fair play, Tom Clements remembers a commemorative friendly to signal the end of the Fairs Cup between Barcelona and Leeds, Dave Bowler records a history of Alf Ramsey’s England reign in one-cap wonders and much more.

Read Issue Six today for a recommended donation of just £3 – if that’s a stretch then pay what you can afford; conversely, if you can afford more, then every extra penny is welcome.

We hope you enjoy this final edition, and thanks again for your continued support.

Download Issue Six:



Read Issue One, Issue Two, Issue Three, Issue Four and Issue Five of The Squall.

Learn more about the birth of The Squall.

We are very grateful to all of the people who have waived fees and donated to The Squall since we announced the project. Special thanks go to: Nick Ames, Philippe Auclair, John Brewin, Kieran Canning, James Corbett, John Cross, Martin da Cruz, Miguel Delaney, Andrew Downie, Peter Drury, Ken Early, Emmet Gates, Sasha Goryunov, John Harding, Simon Hart, Gary Hartley, Ian Hawkey, Frank Heinen, Tom Holland, Adam Hurrey, Elis James, Neil Jensen, Samindra Kunti, Jonathan Liew, Simon Mills, James Montague, David Owen, MM Owen, Simone Pierotti, Jack Pitt-Brooke, Gavin Ramjuan, Callum Rice-Coates, Philip Ross, Paul Simpson, Marcus Speller, Jon Spurling, Seb Stafford-Bloor, Ed Sugden, Jonathan Wilson, Suzy Wrack, and Shinobu Yamanaka. And huge thanks to Getty Images, for use of the photos.

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